Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I've got my broadband

I've subscribed to Celcom broadband on Monday.
Now I can get fast internet, way faster than my dial-up dinosaur connection ;-)
Actually I thought of waiting till next month but since they have this Euro 2008 free pouch and 512 thumb drive, I just grab it. I also football fan so...
I think the 100 days 100 cars contest is useless.If a company wants to reward customers, don't come up with the strategy like the biggest spender= the winner.
I always join contests too, but one principle that I practice is that I won't join a contest if it involves spending a lot of money to collect points or buying product to collect tokens or having the highest entry to win.
And what I've won so far from these contests made me value the prizes I got because I don't spend to get those, I got it from my effort.
Anyway, I subscribed to Celcom coz it got good coverage, 5xMom oso recommend ;p and plus, I've heard many complaints from customers from the other network companies both in blogs and newspapers, so I just choose to be a blue fan la..LOL

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