Monday, April 21, 2008

Got It !

Ok, I got the job. Yippee!
After 1+2 rounds of interview, I got it. First round was screening interview in campus, and the other 2 rounds was in the company itself.
Due to my tight schedule, this is the first permanent job I applied and successfully got it.
Today at 12pm I've finished all my papers, I am declared from exams! :D
Next thing is, of course, finish up my final editing on my thesis, having viva presemtation and next, plan what to do next for my working life.
I will sit down and think what I would do next for my future. I will also think about other jobs that I plan to apply. Yep, no doubt I've got the job (first time trial and first time success), I still have a period of a month to really think what I want to be. And yeah, the Masters thingy. Continue later in life or just put it aside and concentrate in the corporate world?
Meanwhile, it's thesis and presentation slides to finish up. Arghhh so lazy and tired. Feel like sleeping. zzz


CY said...

Congratulations! Yes, first time trial-successes do happen ;) Feels good right? Celebrate!

(After your viva, that is :P)

Eileen said...

Thanks! :)
Yeah, can't wait till all is over to celebrate. :p